Reflexology YouTuber Yutaka

音質向上パート2 | Sound Improvement pt. 2


Zoom H6を買ってしまった。この形、やばい。

Finally I bought Zoom H6. I love this design.


Let me talk about the conclusion first.

  • H6単体で素晴らしい音は撮れるが、自分の動画ではマイクは従来のCS-10EMを接続して足の両脇に置くスタイルは継続。
  • H6 itself can record really good sounds but for my videos, I have to keep using and connecting CS-10EM  and place them on the both sides of a foot.
  • 音は綺麗になるが、それでもバックグラウンドのノイズは残る。
  • The sound is good but background noise remains.
  • ノイズ除去としてAudacity(無料アプリ)がかなり良い。
  • To reduce noise, Audacity (free app) is really helpful.
  • さらにFCPでRemove High/Low Frequenciesをかける。
  • And apply "Remove High/Low Frequencies" on FCP.
  • さらにFCPで不自然な音の周波数をChannel EQを使って削除する。
  • And apply "Channel EQ" to eliminate unnatural sound frequency on FCP.




The video above ends after applying noise reduction on Audacity but you can polish the sound on FCP afterwards.

If you only use Audacity,

  • 自分の鼻息が残る
  • My nose breathing sound remains
  • 不自然に感じる音が残る
  • Unnatural sound remains


I thought using H6 wouls solve everything but there are still many things to learn. But I could reduce noise and strengthen the sound volume, though. Yahoo :)

音質向上委員会 | Sound Quality Improvement Test


ASMR動画的に外部マイクを一眼カメラに直刺しは良くないと言われていて、うーむ、やっぱりZoom H1nを咬ませた方がいいのかなーと実験。

As an ASMR video, it is said direct microphones connection into a DSL camera is not a good idea, so I tested using Zoom H1n.

1. Zoom H1n + Roland CS-10EM

 Zoom H1nは一年ほど前に買ったのだが、使うのがめんどくさいので放置したままになっていた。使わないものは処分する性格なのだが、なんとなくデザインが気に入っていて所有し続けていた。

I bought this Zoom H1n about a year ago but I was lazy to use it and kept it in my desk for a while. I usually discard things which I don't use but I liked the design and I kept having it.

さて、音は?これまでマイクを直刺しだとノイズが酷くてエフェクトをFCP上でかけないと使い物にならなかった。しかし、Zoom H1nで録音するとノイズが少ない。おー、H1n復活させるか??

So how was the sound? Using a direct microphone into the camera was not good at all unless I use FCP's effects to delete the noise. But recording with Zoom H1n doesn't pick up noise so much. Hmm, should I use H1n from now on?

2. Roland CS-10EM


The 2nd recording was the direct microphone recording. Yup, so much noise!

3. Roland CS-10EM + FCP Effects
  • Denoiser (White Noise Filter)
  • Remove Low Frequencies
  • Remove High Frequencies

この三つは最近の動画で使っているエフェクト。うん。これを使うとかなりまともになる。そして、なんとZoom H1nを使ったものと比べてもこっちの方が良い。

Those three are the effects I have been using these days. Yes, they improve the sound a lot and it is actually better than the one using the Zoom H1n.


And I realized the air purifier's sound which I usually turn off.

  • Channel EQ


特定の音を消すのに役立つChannel EQ。ここで空気清浄機の音の周波数を分析して、その周波数をカット。

Channel EQ is useful for deleting certain sounds. It can analyze the air purifier's frequency and delete it.

最後は綺麗な音になった。というわけでしばらくは現状維持。Zoom H1nは処分かなぁ。。。デザイン好きなんだけど。

The sound became so clean at last. So the recording style will be the same for a while and I might throw Zoom H1n away.... I like the design so much, though...

銀の盾がキタ!| Silver Play Button Arrived!



Finally YouTube Silver Play button has arrived.


I'd thank to all the viewers, models and people who have been supporting me in any ways!


Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

若石健康法の八福踏板を買ってみた | Bought Rwo-Shr Health Pa-Kwa Board


若石健康法 八福踏板 (Amazon)


When I was learning at Rwo-Shr in Canada, the class always started with this reflexology board practice. It was quite painful. There was this Obasan (middle-aged lady) who had bad kidneys but she said they were getting better after using this board.


I was going to get one when I go back to Japan but I didn't, because it was a little bulky to bring and pricy. I think it was around 60CAD, which was a big money to me, 20 years ago in Canada.



Rwo-Shr Health Institute in Toronto which doesn't exist any longer now.



I will be using this board for a while and review it! :)

YouTube銀の盾の申請完了 | Application Completed For YouTube Silver Play Button


  1. YouTube登録者が10万人を超えて三週間
  2. YouTubeリエーターサポートチームにメール (creator-support@youtube.com)
  3. 返事「1週間ほどお待ちください」
  4. 連絡なし。10万人を超えてから一ヶ月以上経過
  5. YouTubeサポートチームとチャット
  6. 「24-48時間以内にメールします」
  7. およそ24時間後、コードをゲット
  8. 無事申請完了
  1. Three weeks passed after my YouTube channel's subscriber number hit 100K.
  2. Emailed to YouTube support team (creator-support@youtube.com)
  3. Reply: Please wait for another week or so.
  4. No message. More than a month passed after hitting 100K.
  5. Chated with YouTube support team
  6. "We will contact you within 24-48 hours"
  7. After about 24 hours, the code was sent.
  8. Application completed.

待つ < メール < チャット、、、ですね。

Waiting < Email < Chat... yeah.


Looking forward to it... :)