Reflexology YouTuber Yutaka

音質向上委員会 | Sound Quality Improvement


It's been a while since the last time I improved my video sound's quality.

今までの音の編集 Sound Editing Procedure
  • CS-10EMで直にカメラに綠音
  • Brusfri
  • Remove high/low frequencies (lowは200Hzを下げる)
  • Record directly to camera from CS-10EM
  • Brusfri
  • Remove high/low frequencies (lower 200Hz on low frequencies)
  • Channel EQでごりごり音の周波数を上げる
  • Turn up Gori Gori (crunchy) sound's frequencies on Channel EQ


This may result in increasing some noise but as far as I check on my headphones, it is okay.

サムネアップデート | Thumbnail Update



Today I was editing three videos which were filmed yesterday. Too hot to go out, it is good to stay home, watching olympic games.


Recently I changed thumbnail designs. I had been using the same template nearly two years and it was difficult to create a new one... I tried to make a new template once in three months but no good ideas came up.


  • 文字数が多く入れられない
  • 後ろの写真が見にくい時がある
  • ・・・飽きた(笑)

Ex-design's not so good points

  • Can't use many letters
  • Sometimes the letters hide the background picture
  • ... I feel bored (LOL)



So, I copied from my sub channel's thumbnail design (LOL).



  • 文字が二行になってもイケる
  • 下の足や手が見やすい
  • 右側に黒のグラデーションのレイヤーを置くことで白の文字がどの写真の上に置いても見やすい

New thumbnail's good points

  • Two text lines are okay
  • Clear to see the feet (hands) 
  • With the black gradation layer, white texts are clear to read on any pictures 



I was about to use colors for the texts like my sub channel to differenciate the genres but they were settled with white since I couldn't figure out the patterns.


I'll keep this design for now.

モデルさんにコンサルティングを受けてみたの話 | Had A Consultation With A Model


I had a model the other day, he is a consultant and we talked a lot on my channel.

Yutaka's Reflexologyチャンネルの現在

Current Yutaka's Reflexology channel's situation



Video contents

  • 痛い系、ゴリゴリ系動画は人気がある
  • うつ伏せ動画も人気があるが、理由がよくわからない
  • 寝る系は普通だが割と良い
  • ITAI / Gori Gori videos are popular
  • Prone videos are popular also but not sure why
  • Sleep one is good generally


I talked a lot of other things and by talking, there were some parts that became clearer.


I would have to challenge new things but at the same time, in a long run I have to make continuous efforts, too.

最近の足つぼルーティーン | Recent Reflexology Routine


  • 官足法足つぼ板20分
  • 官足法赤棒で甲・側面・ふくらはぎ

Every night's Reflexology routine

  • Kansoku-method Reflexology board 20 min.
  • Kansoku-method Reflexology stick on insteps, sides and calves


In order to recommend reflexology to my clients, I do reflexology on myself quite regularly.


I have been on the reflexology board for almost a year but I realized that I didn't do anything much on the toes, insteps nor calves and started using a stick. It is tiring to use a stick but I started using it since my migraine headache didn't seem to go away. The both sides of the big toe nails are good for migraine, and I am working on the areas carefully.


I would like to get one from someone for a change, though...

Brusfri、イケるのかも?| Brusfri Could Be The Best Solution?



Sound quality improvement continues.



The environment for this test

  • CS-10EMマイクをカメラに直刺しで綠音 
  • Record with a camera CS-10EM microohones plugged in directly

1. CS-10EM only


A lot of noise as usual.


2. Removed low/high frequencies

FCP上での編集。Zoom H6を取り入れる前の動画は、ほとんどこのエフェクトが使われている。サーという音がやや残る。音圧も低くなる。

Edit on FCP. These effects were used in the videos before Zoom H6 was used. There are some hiss hoise remained. The sound volume gets low, too.


3. Brusfri

This one is a plugin that I purchased a few days ago. It is good to be able to edit on FCP. And no Zoom is used as an intermediary, much easier to shoot videos. And this sound! There is no strange impression, listening from headphones, earphones or directly from PC.




上の動画をアップ後にモデルさんがいらして、撮影。Zoom H6は使わず、CS-10EMを直刺しで。そしてFCP上でBrusfriで編集。結論、自然な感じの仕上がりで良い!ただ、圧が強めなのでremove high/low frequenciesも追加。以前、LOFIの音楽の作り方にあった動画では、LOFI感を出すためには高・低周波数をカットすると良いとされていたので、それと同じことか。音が柔らかくなる。

After uploading the video above, a model came and we started shooting. I didn't use Zoom H6, just plugged CS-10EM directly. And the video was edited with Brusfri on FCP. In conclusion, it became natural and very good! The sound volume was relatively strong so I added "remove high/low frequencies", though. I have watched a video on how to make LOFI music and he said cutting high/low frequencies was good for LOFI sounds. It should apply to my sound, too. The sound becomes softer.



Wave form after editing with Brusfri.

  • CS-10EMをカメラに直刺し
  • Brusfriでノイズ削減
  • Remove high/low frequenceisで調整
  • Plugging CS-10EM to camera directly
  • Reduce noise with Brusfri
  • Adjust the sound with "remove high/low frequencies"


忘備録 | Notes


I purchased this noise reduction plug-in for a test.



It seems extremely good, watching this video... but... 





自分の動画の音には合わない・・・かも。* 下に追記あり

It doesn't suit to my video... maybe. *please see the PS below





I checked the original sound, the sound after reducing the noise on Audacity and Brusfri and found out the sound created with Audacity remained subtle sounds even after reducing the noise. Brusfry removes all the sounds including the subtle sounds that I want to keep.


This doesn't mean Brusfry isn't good at all but it is just my video's sound doesn't have strong difference between the noise (mostly hiss sound) and the subtle massage sounds. Audacity is a free app but it does a really good job to reduce the noise and remain sounds that I want to keep...


With that being said, reducing all the noise completely can lead to have unnatural feelings. But personally once I watch this noise-less videos and go back to the old videos with hissing noise, it sounds a little annoying, too.

Well, I have to find a good solution to make the sounds more natural and easier to listen to.



Zoom H6で録音された音をBrusfriで編集すると上のようにノイズも残したい手の動きの音も消されてしまうことが判明。



Later I figured out that if you edit with Brusfri after recording with Zoom H6, it reduces not only the noise but also the hand movement sounds which I want to keep.

It is better to edit the sound which is recorded directly from the camera CS-10EM is plugged in.