Reflexology YouTuber Yutaka

アップグレードプログラム | Upgrade Program


Previously I wrote how I could upgrade stuff to improve my YouTube channel.


I am not sure if the microphones that I wrote in the last can be called "upgrade" but I had to switch due to the purchase of the new camera. 


Maybe the devices' upgrade is almost finished so now I have to think about the the video contents upgrade.



Today's video's upgrade. Reflex zones captions.


I have been using this technique since iMovie but I use those reflex zones captions to impose on videos, using them as green back images.

Final Cut Pro上でもKeyerというエフェクトで使える。本当はFCP上でテキストで直に書いたほうがいいのかもしれないけど、テンプレ化するのもめんどい。知らんけど。

You can use this as a effect called Keyer on Final Cut Pro. It could be better to write texts directly on FCP but I feel it is bothersome to make them into templates. Not sure, though...


The reflex zone captions are not really accurate and troublesome. I have quit one but there were quite a few viewers who wanted to leave the captions on. It is still bothersome for me but I keep putting them on as "somewhat it is giving a sense of learning something" to be honest with you.


A few weeks ago, I got a request from a viewer asking to make the reflex zones letter bigger since it was hard to read for the person. I enlarged the letters a little bit. This time I made them simple to reduce the mind stimulation.



On Pixelmator, experimenting how it looks.


Since the background has good bokeh after switing to a mirrorless camera, I should be able to put the white text directly... I hope it works.


... actually it didn't fit well so I decided not to use the template.