Reflexology YouTuber Yutaka

新しいプロフィール・テンプレート | New Profile Templates


昨日、ヨドバシカメラをふらついてて、手書きでプロフィールを書いてもらったら面白そうとApple Pencilの購入を決断(実際に買ったのは価格.comで見つけた安いところ)。

Yesterday I was wadering in Yodobashi Camera and thought it would be interesting if I asked my models to write their profile by thier hands and decided to buy an Apple Pencil (I found a cheaper store on kakaku.com and bought one from them).

Apple好きな自分だけど、Apple Pencilは流石にそこまで使わないかなと今まで100円均一のスタイラスペンを使っていたのだが、これでApple Pencilを買う良い口実ができたと内心ニヤリ。

I like Apple products but I have been using the stylus from 100 yen store since I didn't think I would use Apple Pencil so much. But yes, now I got a good reason to buy Apple Pencil (yay).

意気揚々と家に帰ってApple Pencilのオーダーを済ませ、その後、テンプレ作り。

I was excited, went home and finished ordering Apple Pencil and started working on making templates.



This is the first template I made... This is good but I think videos should start as quickly as possible. If I use this, the video may give a heavy and slow impression.


And for my videos, I need to write in Japanese and English. Most of my models are Japanese, so I will ask them to write in Japanese and later I have to translate into English. But then, the template above has limited space to include the translation.

  • 画面を圧迫しない
  • 英語と日本語の書ける十分なスペースの確保
  • 文字はみやすく
  • Not occupying the screen so much
  • Enough space for English and Japanese writing
  • Texts should be easy to read

これに悩んで昨日はほぼ諦めかけていた・・・。Apple Pencilオーダーしなければよかったかも・・・と。

I was struggling with those requirements and almost gave up... I shouldn't have ordered Apple Pencil...??



And here is this one. Elements are devided into four pages and shown only on the bottom of the screen using Keyer effect. 



White texts are difficult to read so a transparent black layer was added afterwards.



It will be like this when it is mixed with a video (it is a picture, though).



The one above is the one I ask my model to fill out on my iPad.


Actually use only the layer where the model writes on and devide into 1/4.

なかなか良い感じにできた。Apple Pencilも無駄にならなくてよかった・・・w。

It looks quite good. I am also happy I didn't waste Apple Pencil... LOL.