Reflexology YouTuber Yutaka

カラーグレーディングに再び挑戦 | My First Attempt at Color Grading




Yesterday, I did my first Log shooting in an attempt to improve image quality.

I had previously done some test shoots of my feet a few times, but I had no idea how to do color grading.

Recently, I studied various aspects of color grading through YouTube videos, and yesterday was my first actual shoot.

Here is the footage shot in Log.



When I edit the colors on the computer, it looks like this.

There's still room for improvement, but for now, I'm satisfied with this (laughs).

新しいマイクを購入 | Mic'd Up






  • 撮影、編集時の手間が一つ増えた(笑)
  • 音はそれなりに良好



I bought a new microphone. It's a wireless lapel mic.

My current binaural mic is placed near the model's feet, so the voices of models who are far away from the mic tend to sound muffled.

I had some concerns before purchasing, so I decided to start with something inexpensive rather than splurging on a high-end one.

As a result...

  • It adds an extra step during filming and editing (laughs)
  • The sound quality is decent.

I hoped that this mic could capture the sound of procedures as well, but unlike my usual binaural mic, it doesn't pick up delicate sounds. It only captures voices.
Today, I tried editing the footage, and since the video didn't involve much dialogue, there are still some parts I'm not sure about. However, I felt like the overall sound quality improved. It might just be my imagination though...

ガンガジの本を読み返してみる | Revisiting Gangaji's Book

ポケットの中のダイヤモンド: あなたの真の輝きを発見する

ガンガジ著 (Amazon)

先日、ネドさんの動画を見ていたらチラリと「ガンガジ姐さん」と紹介されていたので、久しぶりにガンガジの本を読んでみました。最初に読んだのはもう10年以上前だと思います。断捨離をした時に紙の本は全て捨ててしまったので手元にはなく、Amazon Kindle Unlimitedが2ヶ月99円のオファーをしていたので(笑)、入会してダウンロードしてみました。



The other day, while watching Nedo-san's video, I caught a glimpse of Gangaji being introduced, so I decided to revisit her book (The Diamond In Your Pocket) after a long time. I believe the first time I read it was over 10 years ago. I had discarded all my paper books when I decluttered (it was called Danshari in Japanese meaning thorough decluttering), so I didn't have a physical copy anymore. Amazon Kindle Unlimited had an offer of 99 yen (about 1 US dollar) for 2 months (lol), so I joined and downloaded it.

I'm just flipping through the beginning for now, but it feels like being cut with a sharp knife. I had the same sensation when I read it years ago. My left brain becomes so quiet that not even a grunt comes out, leaving only the silence and the sensation in my body (lol).
It's highly recommended for reading while feeling the sensations.




  • 大きなネガティブ思考にはすぐ気がつくようになった(すぐその思考と離れる)。小さいどうでも良いぐるぐると回る思考は気づかないことが多い
  • ぼーっとしていると耳がキーンとなる(ナーダ音)が聞こえる(今もこれを書きながら聞こえてます)
  • 自然が美しくクッキリと見えるようになった





Encountering Elevator Breathing for about a month now, I've been managing to work on it every day. And here are the things that I've noticed so far.

  • I've become more adept at catching and quickly detaching from big negative thoughts (the smaller, inconsequential thoughts often slip by unnoticed)
  • When I'm in a state of relaxation, I notice a keen ringing in my ears (the Nada sound. Actually I am noticing the sound while I am writing on here)
  • Nature appears more vivid and sharply defined

This heightened perception has made outings to places like the sea, mountains, and parks much more enjoyable. Once, I ventured into an untouched path and felt the profound stillness of the surroundings after just a few minutes there.

Listening to Eckhart's talks initially enhanced my ability to perceive nature vividly, but lately, I've found that I can switch into this mode of perception independently (indicating a certain level of fluidity between left-brain and right-brain functions).

Overall, the experience is about relaxation and embracing existing sensations fully. It's not always about an immediate uplift in mood; sometimes, it involves confronting discomfort directly. Yet, I find that leaning into these experiences allows for deeper immersion.

Concepts like "enlightenment" and non-duality, once abstract, have become more tangible to me as I understand them through the lens of left-brain and right-brain dynamics. I'm committed to continuing this journey forward.

森林療法 | Forest Therapy


枡田智著 (Amazon)


これまで自分が学んだり自分でワークしていたようなことの集大成的なことで、実践的な内容でした。悟り... という状態が、一切のスピリチュアルやニューエイジ(古い?)的なことを介せずに言い表すことができるのですね...。



Recently, I've been continuing the elevator breathing exercise from the book I mentioned the other day. Today, I happened to come across the same kind of book on YouTube, and upon reading it, I found it also delving into the topic of right brain-left brain, much like the previous one.

It's a culmination of things I've learned and worked on myself, and it's incredibly practical. It's interesting to see how the state of enlightenment... can be expressed without resorting to any spiritual or New Age (outdated?) ideas. 
Forest therapy involves immersing oneself in nature and becoming aware of what is being sensed through the five senses. It's about feeling rather than thinking, emphasizing the right brain over the left brain. Naming trees or flowers involves the left brain's function, while the right brain deals with the sensory experience before words are formed.
If you're interested, give it a read sometime! (sudden ending lol)

久しぶりに本を買う | My Recently Purchased Book

左脳さん、右脳さん。: あなたにも体感できる意識変容の5ステップ
ネドじゅん著 (Amazon)



Recently, as a non-duality practice, I have only been watching some YouTube videos and feeling bodily sensations. However, after a long time, I decided to buy a book.

Although the book doesn't explicitly cover non-duality topics, it offers a fresh perspective on the process so far, almost like a comprehensive summary from a different angle. I couldn't resist buying it.




自分は結構昔から、エックハルトトールだったり、中野真作さんMiracle CatのKeiさんの動画を見ているのですが、全員が同じことを言います。それは「体を感じる」ということです。

自分も実践をしてみたりするのですが、まだまだですね(笑)。二ヶ月ちょっと本気で... 楽しんでみます(笑)。

The thumbnail of the video might look a bit suspicious, but she talks about her own method (called "Mom Method" since she is a mother, haha) of "feeling bodily sensations," a common theme among those in the enlightenment community.

The method, in simple terms, involves directing your awareness to your breath. It's extremely straightforward. Some people report experiencing significant effects after practicing for about two months.

Personally, I've been watching videos by Eckhart Tolle, Mr. NAKANO Shinsaku, and Kei-san from Miracle Cat for quite some time now, and they all say the same thing: "Feel your body."

I've been trying to practice it myself, but I still have a long way to go (laughs). I'll give it a serious shot for the next couple of months... and have some fun with it (laughs).


By the way, here's the video when Mr. Nakano Shinsaku kindly modeled for my reflexology. (laughs).