Reflexology YouTuber Yutaka

久しぶりに本を買う | My Recently Purchased Book

左脳さん、右脳さん。: あなたにも体感できる意識変容の5ステップ
ネドじゅん著 (Amazon)



Recently, as a non-duality practice, I have only been watching some YouTube videos and feeling bodily sensations. However, after a long time, I decided to buy a book.

Although the book doesn't explicitly cover non-duality topics, it offers a fresh perspective on the process so far, almost like a comprehensive summary from a different angle. I couldn't resist buying it.




自分は結構昔から、エックハルトトールだったり、中野真作さんMiracle CatのKeiさんの動画を見ているのですが、全員が同じことを言います。それは「体を感じる」ということです。

自分も実践をしてみたりするのですが、まだまだですね(笑)。二ヶ月ちょっと本気で... 楽しんでみます(笑)。

The thumbnail of the video might look a bit suspicious, but she talks about her own method (called "Mom Method" since she is a mother, haha) of "feeling bodily sensations," a common theme among those in the enlightenment community.

The method, in simple terms, involves directing your awareness to your breath. It's extremely straightforward. Some people report experiencing significant effects after practicing for about two months.

Personally, I've been watching videos by Eckhart Tolle, Mr. NAKANO Shinsaku, and Kei-san from Miracle Cat for quite some time now, and they all say the same thing: "Feel your body."

I've been trying to practice it myself, but I still have a long way to go (laughs). I'll give it a serious shot for the next couple of months... and have some fun with it (laughs).


By the way, here's the video when Mr. Nakano Shinsaku kindly modeled for my reflexology. (laughs).