Reflexology YouTuber Yutaka

撮影スタイルを変える | Changed Video Shooting Styles



  • Sony α6400+SEL35F18 (Camera)
  • Scene LifeLike (Mic)  + iPhone 11 Pro (Voice Memos)
  • iPad Pro (Monitor)


I changed.

Scene LifeLikeのバイノーラルマイクを復活。これ今日Amazonで見てみたら自分が買った時よりも値段が上がっている気がするが気のせいだろうか。。。

Scene LifeLike binaural microphones came back. I checked Amazon's site today and the price was higher than when I bought... am I correct?



Around the end of last year, I couldn't open the site but now it seems renewed.


Roland's binaural microphones are easy to use; just directly connecting to the camera, but when I edit the sound later on, some sounds become unnatural. I am not sure why but it could be from its wide range of frequencies they pick up?

Scene LifeLikeはそれに比べるとやや音は小さめに録音されるが、ほぼ編集する必要がない。

Scene LifeLike records in lower volume compared to the Roland's but there is almost no need to edit later on.

ただ、Scene LifeLikeは接続がLighteningのみなので、iPhoneにしかささらない。つまり、カメラと別撮りすることが必要になる。これめんどいわーと思って、今までやらなかったんだけど昨日初実験してみた。

But the Scene LifeLike's connection is only lightening, meaning they can only connect to iPhone. Audio recording is required separately from visual recording. I thoght it was too much hustling and avoided doing it but I tried yesterday for the first time.


It was... not so troublesome.


Select the video and the audio files and sync them on FCPX. Voila, they are synced beautifully.

これでまた一つ成長・・・かな。しかしSceneのホームページのSound Panoが気になるゥ。

One more progress.... maybe. Sound Pano on the Scene's web site looks so interesting now...