新しいカメラレンズ購入 | Purchased a New Camera Lens
Angle of view that I used to use. 35mm(APS-C).
And here comes 16mm.
ソニー 標準ズームレンズ E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS ソニー Eマウント用 APS-C専用 SELP1650 (Amazon)
Sony's Zoom Lens
This is the lens that comes with α6400 if you pay a little extra but the reputation on the internet wasn't great so I bought a 35mm lens first instead.
This is good to shoot reflexology videos but I was feeling difficulty since the field of the view was narrow. I even thought that iPhone was better in the sense.
I haven't used this lens for reflexology videos yet, though. Shall we start again soonish?