Reflexology YouTuber Yutaka


* 日本語は下の方にあります


A. Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, is an alternative medicine involving application of pressure to the feet and hands with specific thumb, finger, hand techniques, and in Yutaka's manner, sticks.
It’s based on a theory that feet/hands are connected to certain organs and body systems and application of certain pressure on those reflex zones/points eliminates blockages and promotes health.

Benefits of Reflexology
  • Improvement of blood circulation
  • Strengthening natural healing power and immunity
  • Relaxation effects
  • Improvement of sleep quality
  • Reduction of pains

For more detailed information: Reflexology (Wikipedia)

Q. Why is REFLEXOLOGY painful sometimes?

A. Pain comes from a friction between nerves and waste matters (uric/lactic acid). If you have many waste matters in your feet, you may result in experiencing more pain. This pain indicates some imbalances in the corresponded areas of your body organs/systems.

There are some different attitudes towards pain in reflexology sessions. In eastern style reflexology, pain is welcomed, while in western reflexology it is not. I read this in an eastern style reflexology book; when the body is stimulated strongly, algesic substances are produced. There is a substance called substance P which has effects such as vasodilator action, bloodstream improving action and immunity enhancing action. It has a potential to heal diseases.

So, how about western style reflexology, meaning less pressure reflexology? In my experience, my first reflexology style I learned was a western style and it was still painful to me at the time. Gradually I got accustomed to the pain and I could take stronger pressures and started shifting to an eastern style. Since then, I believed eastern one was better for a long time but recently I realized they have different roles and effects. Ying and yang polarity, they are compliment each other. I think eastern one effects directly on your physical body and western one effects more on your mental body. Less pain can enhance relaxation and result in a better health. 

Q. What does Gori Gori mean in your YouTube videos?

A. It is a Japanese onomatopoeia, meaning "crunchy" in Japanese. They is a lot of onomatopoeia in Japanese language and sometimes it is easier for me to use without translating into English.

Gori Gori = crunchy
Jori Jori = crunchy, lumpy
Guri Guri = press and rubbing sort of movement
Poki Poki = cracking sound
Puchi Puchi = lumpy, crunchy
Zara Zara = sandy, lumpy

Aren't they cute? :)

Q. What is the stuff that makes Gori Gori (crunchy) sound?

A. It is from accumulated waste matter (uric/lactic acid) on the reflex zones/points or simply muscle fibers. To break down and unblock the flow is one of the purposes of reflexology.

To eliminate the waste matter, it is advised to:
1. Break down the accumulation
2. Work up to the knees (not only the soles)
3. Take hot water (500ml)

Q. Why do you start from the left foot?

A. In most of the eastern style reflexology, the therapists begin with the left foot and the western style therapists begin with the right foot. They are many believes and theories:
  • Heart reflex point location (Heart is on the left foot)
  • Left foot is female. Right foot is male.
I think you can start from either foot, it is just a matter of preference. Personally I start from the left foot but it is just my habit.

Q. Why do you start from the kidney reflex?

A. It is believed that starting from the kidney-ureter tube-bladder reflex improves detoxification. It is just a theory and basically you can start from any reflexes.

Q. How do you work with planter fasciitis?

A. Stretching the triceps surae muscleI (calf) is recommended. If there is a pain (or injury) in the foot, I would avoid working on the area. Instead I would work on the hand which is corresponding to the foot. If you have a pain in the right foot, there should be a pain in the right hand in the same area as well. 

Q. Does reflexology cure flat feet?

A. Reflexology itself doesn't cure flat feet but helps to improve body organs reflected on the arch areas. 
When you have a pain in the shoulder, you have a pain in the lower back. When you have a pain in the elbow, you have a pain in the knee. When you have a pain in your right hand thumb, you have a pain in the right foot big toe. You will be amused when you find out this on your own body!

Q. Is it okay to have a reflexology treatment at any time?

A. Those are the most conditions you should avoid having a reflexology treatment:

- Within 30 minutes after having a meal
- Drunk, physical injuries, bone fractures, serious illness, infectious diseases or pregnancy (less than 3 months)

When you have chronic diseases, you should ask your doctor if it is okay to have a reflexology treatment. Personally reflexology is highly recommended for chronic diseases but this is not an instant medicine, you need to be patient to keep doing for a long term. 

As for the pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid to have a reflexology when it is less than three months. Ask your doctor if it is okay to have a massage at any time. Lighter pressure is advised. 

Q. How do I find the tools you use in the YouTube videos?

A. The links to the each tool's Amazon JP are always in the descriptions of the videos. I assume most of the viewers from oversea may not be able to purchase from Amazon JP, though. Try your local Amazon or other internet shops by searching "reflexology tool (or stick)", I am sure you will find similar ones.

Q. How do I find a reflexology like you do in my area?

A. Google with those keywords:
- Reflexology
- Your local area name
- Chinese
- Taiwanese
Rwo-shr (Taiwanese reflexology institute)
Josef Eugster (Swiss Father who introduced reflexology in Taiwan)

Q. What does the level mean in your video?

A. It is the pressure level in the session. Each level is as follows roughly:
  • 1 - Untouchable feet
  • 2 - Very sensitive feet
  • 3 - Sensitive feet
  • 4 - Enjoying mild reflexology
  • 5 - Average
  • 6 - Enjoying average reflexology
  • 7 - Okay to use sticks
  • 8 - Using sticks + harder pressure
  • 9 - Yutaka gets exhausted
  • 10 - Dojo breaker (please don't come! LOL)

Q. How to do reflexology on myself?
A. Hope this video helps you :)
Q. リフレクソロジーって何ですか?

A. リフレクソロジーはゾーンセラピーとも言われますが、指や手(Yutakaの場合、棒も)などを使って足や手を刺激する代替療法の一つです。足や手が体の臓器・器官と繋がっているという理論に基づき、反射区を刺激することによってブロックを除去し健康を回復すると言われています。

  • 血液循環の改善
  • 自然治癒力の向上
  • ラクゼーション効果
  • 睡眠の質の向上
  • 痛みの軽減

Q. なぜリフレクソロジーは痛いのですか?

A.  痛みは神経と老廃物(尿酸・乳酸)との摩擦から起きます。老廃物が多いと、それだけ痛みも増すことになり得ます。痛みは対応している体の臓器・器官の不調を表しています。

リフレクソロジーの施術においてこの痛みに対する考えはいろいろなものがあります。東洋式のリフレクソロジーの場合、痛みは歓迎されますが、西洋式では排除されます。これは自分が東洋式のリフレクソロジーの本で読んだことなのですが、体が強い刺激を受けると発痛物質が作り出されます。これはP物質と呼ばれるもので、血管拡張や血流の改善、免疫力を高める作用があります。病気を治す可能性があります。(老廃物を流す「官足法」で治る! 行本 昌弘 Amazon)


Q. ゴリゴリ音はどこからするの?

A. 反射区にある溜まった老廃物(尿酸・乳酸)、または筋繊維から音が出ているとされています。これらを破壊し、流れをよくすることがリフレクソロジーの一つの目的ともされています。

1. 老廃物の塊を破壊する
2. 足裏だけでなく膝上まで施術する
3. 白湯(500ml)を飲む

Q. なぜ左足から始めるのですか?

A. 大抵の東洋式のリフレクソロジーの場合、左足から始め、西洋式の場合は右足から始めることが多いです。これには多くの諸説があります。

  • 心臓の反射区の位置(心臓の反射区は左足にあります)
  • 左足は女性性で右足は男性性


Q. なぜ腎臓から始めるのですか?

A. 腎臓ー輸尿管ー膀胱の反射区から始めると老廃物の排出を高められると考えられているからです。基本的にはどの反射区から施術をはじめても大丈夫です。

Q. リフレクソロジーはいつ受けても大丈夫ですか?

A. リフレクソロジー避けた方が良いのは下記の場合です。

  • 食後30分以内
  • 飲酒、怪我、骨折、深刻な病状、感染症、妊娠(3ヶ月以内)



Q. 動画に出てくるレベルって何ですか?

A. 施術の圧のレベルのことです。大まかにですが下記の通りになります。
  • 1 足に触れない
  • 2 足が相当敏感な人
  • 3 足が敏感な人
  • 4 弱めの足つぼを楽しめる
  • 5 普通
  • 6 普通の足つぼを楽しめる
  • 7 棒を使っても大丈夫
  • 8 棒を使う+圧強め
  • 9 Yutakaの体力消耗激しめ
  • 10 道場破り(来ないでw)