Reflexology YouTuber Yutaka

YouTubeは思った通りにはいかない | YouTube Doesn't Always Go as Planned



また、今日公開した動画はうつ伏せの足つぼです。これもなぜか人気のある動画なのですが、実際の施術ではうつ伏せで足つぼはほとんどしません(現在、施術自体もしていませんが...)。動画として人気なのでやっているだけなのですが... これもこれで良いのでしょう。


I created a compilation video today that exceeded 3 hours. It's a compilation of downloaded clips from YouTube, simply edited with added timers.

The effort involved was minimal. I had released a similar video not long ago, and it surprisingly gained popularity. It's a bit perplexing that something I put less effort into is well-received, but I suppose that's how it goes.

The video I uploaded today focuses on prone position reflexology. Strangely, it's also gaining popularity, even though in actual practice, I rarely perform foot reflexology in the prone position (currently, I'm not practicing it at all, though). I'm only doing it for the sake of a popular video, but that seems to be okay.

Conversely, I've had instances where I thought I captured something very interesting, something that seemed destined to be popular, only to find it completely ignored. YouTube doesn't always go as planned.