Reflexology YouTuber Yutaka

2月29日を記念して記事を書いてみます | Commemorating February 29th: Reflecting on Leap Day




Today is February 29th, a date that only comes around once every four years, so I thought I'd take advantage of the occasion by writing a blog post on my laptop.

With it being a leap year, this year coincides with the Olympics. Just yesterday, the women's soccer team secured their spot in the Olympics.

Feeling like I needed a bit of a relaxed week (as usual?), I decided to take some time to create a compilation video, something I haven't done in a while. It's a compilation of the popular "prone reflexology". I'll be sharing it soon.






I felt the urge to create something different besides reflexology videos, so I uploaded a simple video to my sub-channel.

I stumbled upon a technique where you film for 10 seconds without moving the camera, then string those clips together and add suitable music to create something visually compelling. Someone shared this idea on X, and the examples they showed looked like scenes from a movie.

Inspired, I decided to give it a try, and the result is the video above. Well, it turned out to be just a regular park introduction video...(laughs).

Editing videos is enjoyable, so I want to keep shooting more footage and experimenting with different styles.