Reflexology YouTuber Yutaka

おすすめYouTubeチャンネル | My Recommended YouTube Channels


I'd like to introduce the YouTube channels I've been watching recently.




The channel of Mr. Nakano, who graciously participated in a reflexology video with us before. Lately, feeling a bit fatigued, I found solace in Mr. Nakano's live streaming videos. Listening to his messages about staying in tune with our body sensations, embracing things as they are, and letting go, brings a comforting warmth, especially during times of weariness.


Miracle Catさん


この方の動画もほっこりします。非二元のお話など、スピーカーさんによってはかなりバッサリと語られる方もいるのですが、Miracle Catさんは柔らかい口調とシンプルな言葉で表現されているので聞きやすいです。
This individual's videos are also heartwarming. Some speakers delve quite sharply into discussions on non-duality, but Miracle Cat, with a gentle tone and simple language, makes it easy and pleasant to listen to.




Travel-themed channels. Many of the videos are quite lengthy, capturing the entire journey from morning till night. It feels like you're actually there, experiencing the travel process yourself.




I've been watching various travel channels, and this one features a male flight attendant. Instead of the perspective of a regular traveler, he showcases various places as part of his job. It's enjoyable to see the work of a flight attendant, and being based in Canada, it brings back some nostalgic feelings. I wasn't in Vancouver but rather in Toronto, but I've visited Vancouver a few times. I wonder if I'm the only one who feels that Vancouver's atmosphere is somewhat similar to Japan.


Yin Yoga With Mattさん


次々とポーズが変わったり体力を使うヨガは苦手でした。しかしYin Yoga(陰ヨガ)は一つのポーズに3分使ったりとゆっくりとしたペースで自分には合っています。色々なYin Yogaのチャンネルがあるのですが、彼のワークはとてもシンプルで、わかりやすいです。彼もカナダ在住。カナダに住んでいるとなると勝手に親近感を覚えます。
I used to struggle with yoga that involved constant pose changes and physical exertion. However, Yin Yoga, where you hold one pose for around three minutes at a slow pace, suits me well. There are various Yin Yoga channels, but his work is very simple and easy to follow. He also resides in Canada. Living in Canada gives me a sense of familiarity.


Shevon Salmonさん


A gadget-focused YouTuber based in Toronto. Again, Canada (laughs). I can't help but feel a sense of familiarity. He often showcase new releases like the latest iPhone, providing a day-in-the-life vlog using the device. The visuals are exceptionally clean, with cinematic filming, making it feel like watching a movie. It has become a motivation for my own vlog creations.


Kraig Adamsさん


A 4-hour long hiking video... Most of the videos are of regular length, but occasionally, he releases videos designed for study, sleep, and relaxation. What sets him apart is the meticulous editing with various cuts, so it's not a continuous shot from the same angle (unlike someone who sticks to the same angle the entire time...). The visuals are simply stunning. Also, he identifies as a minimalist, which initially drew me in.